Services and Support
At Stokes Wood Primary School, we provide education for all pupils through a variety of strategies, including, appropriate differentiation, resources and facilities as necessary. All pupils’ individual needs are considered and we implement a range of strategies to meet and develop their diversity. We believe that all children should be equally valued in school. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways which take account of their varied life experiences and needs. We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background.
We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners. All pupils are entitled to receive, within a suitable peer group, a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. The school will, within the context of services and resources available, seek the relevant support and advice from the Local Authority (LA), in order to facilitate inclusion. At Stokes Wood Primary School, we aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve their full potential. This includes children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability).
My name is Sarah Woods and I am the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) at Stokes Wood Primary School.
Mrs Williams |
Mrs Woods |
It is my role to ensure that the day to day management of children with SEND (Special, Educational, Needs and Disability) and together with the Head Teacher and Mrs Williams the LAC (Looked after Children)lead and Assistant Head Teacher for Pastoral Care, is effective and adequate support is given in order to overcome their barriers to learning.
Provision for each child is personalised depending upon his or her needs. This may include an appropriate intervention with the aim of closing or bridging gaps in their learning or a specific resource they may require to access learning. Advice is sought for children with complex needs from external agencies if required. We work closely with a range of external agencies and ensure advice is implemented to best support pupils which include:
- Social Emotional and Mental Health Team (SEMH)
- Learning, Communication and Interaction Team (LCI)
- Early Years Support Team (EYFS)
- Autism Support (LCI/ASD)
- Visual Impairment Team (VI)
- Hearing Impairment Team
- Speech and Language
- Health professionals
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Solutions who offer further support in each given area.
If you have any concerns regarding your child, please feel free to contact the school office on 0116 2875305 or come in to make an appointment.
The Code of Practice 2014 states that: ‘A pupil has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.
The Four broad areas of need identified within the SEND Code of Practice 2014 are:
- Communication and Interaction (e.g. speech articulation, stammering, speech and language delay, autism, etc.)
- Cognition and Learning (e.g. global learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc.)
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder etc.)
- Sensory and Physical Needs (visual impairment, hearing impairment, sensory needs e.g. autism, dyspraxia, toileting issues, physical disability, etc).
The following table identifies the types of SEND and examples of the type of provision offered at Stokes Wood Primary School:
Parents Information Booklet-Nurture Group
Stokes Wood Primary School’s approach to teaching pupils with SEND:
What expertise and training of staff do stokes Wood primary school provide to support pupils with send?
At Stokes Wood Primary School we have the following skilled professionals to support pupils with SEND:
• Specialist SEND teacher·
• Staff trained to deliver play Interaction·
• Staff trained to lead a nurture group·
• Speech and language support·
• Play Therapists
Several staff are trained in strategies to support autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, social and emotional difficulties and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The school has achieved the ADHD Kite Mark.
Staff regularly receive training as required via external professionals or from staff in school with the expertise.
What support services are available?
If your child requires support from external agencies, then a referral will be made with the consent of parents. We use the following people/agencies:
- Early Years Support Team
- Learning, Communication and Interaction Support Team
- Primary School Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team
- Educational Psychology Service
- Hearing Support Team
- Vision Support Team
- Speech and Language Therapy Service·
- School Nurse/Health Professionals
- Family Support Officers
There is a link to the local offer to access services and support available across the city.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School adapt the curriculum and the learning environment for pupils with SEND?
Each class teacher will plan and teach lessons so that every child can access the learning tasks. Sometimes, activities will vary for children of different abilities and sometimes the activities will be the same. Extra resources and additional support will be provided where needed. Advice from external agencies will be implemented for children with SEND to ensure their needs are met. Specific individual or group interventions are used to support children with difficulties. These will be discussed with parents during review meetings.
What are the admission arrangements for pupils with SEND at Stokes Wood Primary School?
All children applying for a place at Stokes Wood Primary School must follow the Local Authority (LA) admissions procedure. Children with significant needs and Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs) will be supported by the Special Education Service to ensure that children receive the right placement with the appropriate support. Children with significant or complex needs, given a place at Stokes Wood, will have an initial meeting to ensure their needs can be met and that the placement is appropriate.
What facilities are provided to assist access to the primary school?
Stokes Wood Primary School recognises its requirement under the Equality Act 2010 for schools to have an accessibility plan. Our accessibility plan has three aims, improving education & related activities in the curriculum, improving the physical environment and design of the building and site and improving the communication of information for all pupils and parents. This plan can be found on our website.
What equipment and facilities do we have to support pupils with SEND?
Children who require additional resources or interventions will be funded through our allocated SEND budget. If a child with complex needs requires greater than average adult support, then an Element 3 funding application will be made by the SENDCo to the local authority with support from all agencies involved in the child’s education.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School ensure that pupils with SEND are enabled to engage in activities available with pupils in the school who do not have SEND?
Stokes Wood Primary School is an inclusive school and ensures all children can access and engage in all activities. Adaptations will be made, extra adult support will be provided as well as any necessary prior work being carried out to ensure all children have equal opportunities.
What steps are taken to prevent pupils with SEND from being treated less favourably than other pupils?
Through Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education (PHSCE) and No Outsiders all children are taught to respect themselves and each other. Our ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system ensures all children of all abilities are treated and rewarded fairly. Adaptations are made for children with SEND to ensure their needs are met. They receive the same awards celebrations for their achievements.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School consult parents of children with SEND and involve them in their child’s education?
The early monitoring process is used initially to pin point the child’s difficulties. Consent will be sought from parents/carers if their child is to be placed on the SEND register. Parents will then have 2 review meetings with the class teacher and or the SENDCo throughout the year where targets and provision will be shared. Additional meeting will be held as and when necessary. Children with complex needs may have other meetings; such as pastoral support programme meetings or school contract meetings where parents/carers will be present alongside school and relevant external agencies. Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will have annual reviews where parents/carers will need to be present. Additional review meetings with parents/carers will also be arranged for children who are a cause for concern.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School consult pupils with SEND and involve them in their education?
We value pupil voice; therefore, all children with SEND have the opportunity to articulate their views. Children with school contracts, a regular pastoral support plan (PSP) and EHCPs always contribute to their meeting either prior to or during the meeting.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting the SEND of pupils and supporting their families?
The SENDCo holds two joint planning meetings (September and January) with all external agencies to discuss support required for children with SEND. Work for each cycle is then planned and external agencies will either carry out 1:1 work with pupils or attend meetings depending on the child’s needs. Consent will always be sought from parents/carers for work to be implemented via an external agency.
Sometimes, parents will be advised to seek help from other organisations outside of school to support their child further. At Stokes Wood Primary School, we always work collaboratively to ensure that all identified needs are addressed.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School assess and review a pupil’s progress towards planned outcomes?
At Stokes Wood Primary School, every child’s progress is rigorously tracked. Team leaders hold meetings at least 3 times a year with class teachers to discuss each child’s needs.
Concerns about individual children will also be discussed with the SENDCo who will advise on the best strategies to adopt. If we feel a child needs to be placed on the SEND register, then we will discuss the matter with parents and seek their permission. Individual work/assessments will be carried out via relevant staff or external agencies which will also contribute to the child’s progress. Review meetings will be held termly with parents and the class teacher or SENDCo.
How does Stokes Wood Primary School support pupils with SEND in the transfer between phases of education?
At Stokes Wood Primary School, we plan ahead and provide extra transition visits to the child’s new school (if required) and hold several meetings to ensure staff at the new setting/class are aware of the child’s needs. All external agencies will be involved in this process if applicable.
What support for improving emotional and social development does Stokes Wood Primary School offer?
We ensure pupils with identified SEND are supported but it is also important that we provide them with basic independent personal, social and learning skills. At Stokes Wood, we use the following to support all children:
- Talk Partners– helps children to co-operate with each other in pairs·
- Check in– provides a chance for children to talk 1:1 with an adult ·
- Assemblies– teaches children social skills, understanding and the importance of respecting everyone and their achievements·
- Meet and greet – Children will be greeted by a familiar adult each day to ensure the child is happy and ready to learn and achieve·
- Nurture intervention– Specific intervention for a group of children who require intensive support with their social and emotional well-being·
Assistant Head Teacher for pastoral support– Mr D Brown co-ordinates targeted support for children who are struggling during the school day. Please also look at our Good Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policy for further information.
What are the arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND who are looked after by the local authority?
Looked After Children (LAC) with SEND have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is reviewed termly and at Looked After Children’s Reviews which happen every 6 months. Please see our Policy for Looked After Children. Sometimes, a learning mentor from the Virtual School will also be allocated if their needs are complex. Pupil Premium Plus money will be used to support the child accordingly.
How will Stokes Wood Primary School evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with SEND?
Interventions will be tracked by the class teacher and monitored by the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) to ensure that the support is effective and the child is making progress. External agencies/SEND Governor will also monitor the impact of interventions across the school. Where an intervention has not been successful, then next steps will be taken to identify the reasons for this and the next stage of support will be implemented.
What are the arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about the provision made at Stokes Wood Primary School?
Parents should initially talk to the class teacher. If the issue has not been fully resolved, then please contact the SENDCo, Mrs Woods to discuss the matter in more detail. If you still feel the issue has not been resolved, please arrange a meeting with either the Assistant Headteacher, Mr Brown or the Headteacher, Mrs Gadsby. |